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原标题:Get currently selected text on page



另外,为了能够修改案文中这一具体部分,你需要使用哪些技术? 我以某种方式认为,选择的立场属于整个案文的内容?



我把我认为在所有浏览器(包括E < 9)中这样做的明确职能多次张贴在Stack Overflow上。 例如:

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3622818/ies-document-selection-createrange-doesnt-include-leading-or-trailing-blank-lin/3648244#3648244>IE s document.selection.createRange don t include leading or踪迹ing blank Line

I d also recommend my jQuery plug-in for this, which includes this function and others to insert, delete, surround or replace the selected text, which sounds like exactly what you want. It s also the only jQuery plug-in for textarea selections I m aware of that works correctly with line breaks in IE < 9.


如果你只得支持最新的浏览器,你可以使用<条码>选择标准<>和<条码>选择/代码>,从而暴露了文本领域所选案文的性质立场。 你可以只修改选定的案文,但更新了你可以使用的<条码>>选择Range,以重选案文。

From this page


function display(txtarea) {
  var sl = (txtarea.value)
     .substring(txtarea.selectionStart, txtarea.selectionEnd);        

<body onload="thisForm=document.frmKey;">

jquery field selection plugin.. Download Here examples on site.

The ::selection selector might work as well. http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/sel_selection.asp

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