In my application I have a model, with a :string field containing a description. Everything works fine on my local machine, but heroku gives me an error message. I looked into logs and found the error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PGError: ERROR: value too long for type character varying(255)
令人感兴趣的是,EXACTLY的同一文本对我的当地机器进行了罚款。 我在网上看到了一项建议,即我应当产生一种新的移徙:描述形式:文字形式。 我试图这样做,就像有人在那里看到的那样:
change_column :your_table_name, :name_of_field, :string, :text
But got en error:
-- change_column(:users, :about_me, :string, :text) rake aborted! An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:
“未界定的方法:案文: 页: 1
问题是如何用长途 The子开展工作的,也是为了治疗,为什么它在当地机器上工作,并坠毁于 her?
Thanks in advance
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