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原标题:XML and PHP printing out specifics
  • 时间:2011-08-07 14:42:29
  •  标签:
  • php
  • xml

Im new to XML and decided I would try and use it to implement a simple CMS compared to constructing a whole MySQL database. However Im stuck on how to print things out on the webpage. In all tutorials I ve seen they loop through each XML element and print out every one, I only want to print out the one where page name = home or page name = mypage.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<page name = "home"><br />
    <title>Home</title><br />
    <subtitle>a test of my testing</subtitle><br />
    <top-papa>blah blah top para</top-papa><br />
    <mid-para>blah blah mid para</mid-para><br />
    <bot-para>blah blah bot para</bot-para><br />
        <imge>mememem</imge><br />
<page name = "whatdowedo"><br />
    <title>What do we do?</title><br />
    <subtitle>a test of my testing</subtitle><br />
    <top-papa>blah blah top para</top-papa><br />
    <mid-para>blah blah mid para</mid-para><br />
    <bot-para>blah blah bot para</bot-para><br />
        <imge>mememem</imge><br />

Many thanks to all replies. Ben



For example, if you have your XML in a string :

$str = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

And load it using simplexml_load_strin() :

$xml = simplexml_load_string($str);

You can then use the SimpleXMLElement::xpath() method to do an XPath query on that XML document -- searching, for example, by value of the name attribute :

$nodes = $xml->xpath( //page[@name="home"] );
if (count($nodes) > 0) {
    echo (string)$nodes[0]->title;

And, in this specific case, you d get the following output :


Note : the same kind of thing is, of course, possible with DOMDocument, and DOMXpath.


检索home网页XML。 同样:

<page name="home"><br/>
    <subtitle>a test of my testing</subtitle><br/>
    <top-papa>blah blah top para</top-papa><br/>
    <mid-para>blah blah mid para</mid-para><br/>
    <bot-para>blah blah bot para</bot-para><br/>

http://php.net/manual/en/book.simplexml.php rel=“nofollow” 很快(Demo):

$xml = simplexml_load_string($str);
$name =  home ;
$xpath = sprintf("/content/page[@name= %s ][1]", $name);
$page = $xml->xpath($xpath);
if (!$page) {
    throw new Exception(sprintf( Page "%s" not found. , $name));
list($page) = $page;

echo $page->title, ":
echo $page->asXML();

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