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原标题:Generate a .DOT file from a RDF file

我有卢旺达国防军的档案,我希望从中产生一份.。 我愿制定一些规则,以宣传节点和这些节点之间的联系(例如代表婚姻关系的一种特殊arrow)。


 <person rdf:about="http://www.something.com/EGAnne"
   <j: DateBirth>1981</j: DateBirth>


a [label = "Anne  n  nD.Birth: 1981  nProfession: Accounting  n", shape = circle, fillcolor = "pink" style = "filled", fontsize = "9", fontname = " Arial, bold "];

Then, to represent the marriage between two instances of the class person, the type of arrow will be "odot" and color "goldenrod":

a -> j [arrowhead = "odot" arrowtail = "odot", dir = both, color = "goldenrod"]





<xsl:for-each select="whateverThePathIs/person">
<xsl:if test="(./j:Gender &eq;  Female )">
# Output a node for a Female
<xsl:if test="(./j:Gender &eq;  Male )">
# Output a node for a Male

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