我要说的是,我要在Haskell产生随机数目。 为此,我不得不利用这段话。
randomRIO (0, 10)
这给我带来了0至10倍。 类型
randomRIO (0,10) :: (Random a, Num a) => IO a
Now, let s say I assign its result to a value k
. It s type is IO Integer
如<代码>k + 2,照常做计算,将产生以下结果:
No instance for (Num (IO Integer))
arising from the literal `2
Possible fix: add an instance declaration for (Num (IO Integer))
In the second argument of `(+) , namely `2
In the expression: k + 2
In an equation for `it : it = k + 2
[randomRIO (0, 10) | x <- [0..10]]