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Javascript jquery——我如何在搜索条目中制造延误
原标题:Javascript jquery - How do I build a delay into the search entry

I have an ajax search box that goes to the server on every key stroke and returns the result of the search. When the user types quickly, I want to search only on the last entry and not on every key stroke. Otherwise the individual results flash annoyingly and the whole process is slowed.

For example: if the user types "statue of liberty" quickly, I don t want to search on "sta", "stat", "statu" etc.

the basics of my jQuery code is:

$( #searchbox ).keyup(function(){
    if (this.value.length > 2) {    
        $.post("remote.php",{ partial :this.value},function(data){

<input id="searchbox" />
<div id="gen_results"></div>

use setTimeout or jQuery s autocomplete plugin

var timer;
$( #searchbox ).keyup(function(){
    if (this.value.length > 2) {
        if (timer){
        timer = setTimeout(function(){
                $.post("remote.php",{ partial :this.value},function(data){
        }, 1000);

You need to use a timeout, this one is set to 500ms, but you might want to go quicker.

$( #searchbox ).keyup(function(){
  window.timeOutId = window.setTimeout(function() {
    if (this.value.length > 2) {    
      $.post("remote.php",{ partial :this.value},function(data){



var inProgress = false;
$( #searchbox ).keyup(function(){
    if (this.value.length > 2 && !inProgress) {    
        inProgress  = true;
        $.post("remote.php",{ partial :this.value},function(data){
            inProgress = false;


function getResults(value) {
   return function() {
       $.post("remote.php",{ partial :value},function(data){

var timerId;
$( #searchbox ).keyup(function(){
    if (this.value.length > 2) {
          timerId = setTimout(getResults(this.value), 1000);

我曾经做过类似的事情。 我每次500万米都设定了时间,当叫作时间者时,日本宇宙航空研究开发机构的请求就是这样。 骗局是,每当用户打什么时,我会重新打造时间。

你们可以拥有一个全球变量,掌握着最后一个重要的中风。 当关键方法被称作时,需要时间阅读,并与以前的数值相比较。 如果时间已经过一段时间,你就会发出呼吁,否则就会重新确定全球价值和撤出。

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