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原标题:Have Android SDK into a tablet with honeycomb?

I want to know if exists any form to have the Android SDK into a tablet with Honeycomb. I ask this because I´ve a tablet with honeycomb and I like to programm into this device.


现在有可能在安纳森研究所的桌子上开发。 See more details here



And there is no need to install anything into your tablet. Just download the SDK for your PC and start developing.

撰写答复,如——并非非常实际的——即与我们每个人相对而言——我们有好的硬件和舒适的键盘,更不用说组合3的四面核心桌子。 我仍然不理解为什么谷歌还没有一个SDK用于安的文科。 即使在个人电脑上,甲型六氯环己烷也已经十分活跃(通过白化安86项目)。

In fact, i m a developer and i use some interesting applications to develop from muy tablet, i recommend you to visit JavaIDEdroid and Terminal IDE wich are some examples of projects that are far from being Eclipse but already let us develop applications for Android and also for Java SE. There also more resources in the XDA forum (look for Asus Transformer for example) even if those projects are not enough, there are guides to install Ubuntu dual boot and other posible solutions to your problem.

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