我从我的数据库中输出了一些数据,数据形式是JSON, 基本上只是一个[清单],其中有一个星座(900K)(1月)。
现在,我正在生产服务器上进口,但我已搬进一些廉价的网络服务器。 当我吃10分钟的所有资源时,他们不喜欢。
How can I split this file into smaller chunks so that I can import it piece by piece?
<><>Edit>: 实际上,它有一个邮政局数据库。 我愿意接受其他建议,即我如何用草原出口所有数据。 I ve got phpPgAdmin安装在我的服务器上,据说可以接受CSV、Tabed和XML格式。
I had to fix phihag s script:
import json
with open( fixtures/PostalCodes.json , r ) as infile:
o = json.load(infile)
chunkSize = 50000
for i in xrange(0, len(o), chunkSize):
with open( fixtures/postalcodes_ + ( %02d % (i//chunkSize)) + .json , w ) as outfile:
json.dump(o[i:i+chunkSize], outfile)
pg_dump -U username -t table database > filename
psql -U username < filename
(我不了解黑板 p子做什么,但却给我留下错误)
The tutorials on this conveniently leave this information out, esp. the -U
option which is probably necessary in most circumstances. Yes, the man pages explain this, but it s always a pain to sift through 50 options you don t care about.
I ended up going with Kenny s suggestion... although it was still a major pain. I had to dump the table to a file, compress it, upload it, extract it, then I tried to import it, but the data was slightly different on production and there were some missing foreign keys (postalcodes are attached to cities). Of course, I couldn t just import the new cities, because then it throws a duplicate key error instead of silently ignoring it, which would have been nice. So I had to empty that table, repeat the process for cities, only to realize something else was tied to cities, so I had to empty that table too. Got the cities back in, then finally I could import my postal codes. By now I ve obliterated half my database because everything is tied to everything and I ve had to recreate all the entries. Lovely. Good thing I haven t launched the site yet. Also "emptying" or truncating a table doesn t seem to reset the sequences/autoincrements, which I d like, because there are a couple magic entries I want to have ID 1. So..I d have to delete or reset those too (I don t know how), so I manually edited the PKs for those back to 1.
I would have ran into similar problems with phihag s solution, plus I would have had to import 17 files one at a time, unless I wrote another import script to match the export script. Although he did answer my question literally, so thanks.