I need to create a report (seen below), using Jasper, using the following table example. The main problem is the Count(A) and Count(C). I solved this problem before using the Oracle temporary table feature (using merge).
CustomerID | CustomerType | Status | Amount
1111 | C | A | 10.5
1112 | C | C | 3.0
1113 | C | A | 6.0
1114 | C | A | 5.0
1115 | C | A | 5.0
1116 | R | C | 4.0
1117 | R |C | 5.0
1118 | R |C | 6.0
1119 | R |A | 7.0
1120 | R |A | 3.0
Customer Type | Count | Count(C) | Count (A) | Sum(amount)
C | 5 | 1 | 4 | 29.5
R | 5 | 3 | 2 | 25.0