English 中文(简体)
问题:与 Java一道,将问题插入KQ服务器数据库
原标题:Problem inserting into an SQL Server Database with Java


司机:[Microsoft][SQLServer 2000司机]

public int sendCabecera(String tpv, Date date, String time, int NumPers, int CodOfi) {

    java.sql.DatabaseMetaData dm = null;
    int result = 0;

    try {
        connection = this.getConnection();
        if (connection != null) {
            dm = connection.getMetaData();

            Statement select = connection.createStatement();

            String sql="INSERT INTO TCabecerasSolicitudes(CodigoTPV, FechaYHora, Hora, NumeroPersonas, CodigoOficina) VALUES ( 001 , 17/08/2011 16:00 , De 16 a 17 ,0,  001 );";


//{.... catch ... etc }

Well I have tried all execute update and execute alone and I always het the same error: "Cannot insert NULL" this is the first comlumn which is a primary key and normally auto-increment so I just ignore it but it doesn t work why???

Thanks a lot in advance,

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm EDIT:问题已经解决,我不认为所涉关键点是自动加固的。


看来最有可能的是,你在<条码>上列一个栏目,该栏被定义为<条码>NOT NUL,但并未在您的插入说明中列(并非<条码>)。 CodigoTPV, FechaYHora, Hora, NumeroPersonas, CodigoOficina 。




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