English 中文(简体)
3. 与对应的成分
原标题:Find element with matching attribute
  • 时间:2011-08-18 16:31:23
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • xml


<myco:results xmlns:myco="http://myco.mycollp.com" resultsTypeID="StockChart">
    <myco:row xmlns:myco="http://myco.mycollp.com">
        <myco:price title="stock">0.6107013847</myco:price>
        <myco:price title="index">0.61965464</myco:price>


$(xml).find("row").each(function () {

    var stockPrice = $(this).find("price[title= stock ]").text();

However stockPrice is always coming back as an empty string.


$(this).find("price[title!= stock ]")


$(this).find("price[title= stock ]")






在大韩民国,我设法利用黑手党开展工作。 @pimvdb建议的净网站。

var xml =  <myco:results xmlns:myco="http://myco.mycollp.com">
    <myco:row xmlns:myco="http://myco.mycollp.com">
        <myco:price title="stock">0.61</myco:price>
        <myco:price title="index">12.5</myco:price>
</<myco:results> ;

$(xml).find("myco\:row").each(function () {
    var stockPrice = $(this).find("myco\:price[title= stock ]").text();

增 编


here it is your selectors were incorrect while using a namespace: http://jsfiddle.net/PvakT/3/

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