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原标题:Web Programming For The Non-Web Programmer (in Perl)
  • 时间:2011-08-21 20:44:24
  •  标签:
  • perl

我期待着在Perl开始网络规划(Perl是我知道的唯一语言)。 问题在于,除网络外,我事先不知道与网络有任何关系。 我没有任何想法可以开始。


<><>>>> 我何时开始学习网络规划? 我知道什么? 我应该使用什么?



The key things to understand are:

What you can send to browsers

...... 或者说,你打算向浏览器寄送的东西,但了解其他内容是有益的(因为在复杂的网络应用中,你将需要选择适当的数据格式)。


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Images
  • JSON
  • XML
  • PDFs

当你生动地生成数据时,你还应了解现有的工具(例如,Perl社区对用于生成超文本,但还有其他选择,如Mason ,而。 往往是我来临的。

Transport mechanisms

  • HTTP (including what status codes to use and when, how to do redirects, what methods (POST, GET, PUT, etc) to use and when).
  • HTTPS (HTTP with SSL encryption)

How to get a webserver to talk to your Perl

  • PSGI/Plack if you want modern and efficient
  • CGI for very simple
  • mod_perl if you want crazy levels of power (I ve seen someone turn then Apache HTTPD into an SMTP spam filter using it).



Web Frameworks


  • Web::Simple is simple
  • Dancer seems to be holding the middle ground (although I have to confess that I haven t had a chance to use it yet)
  • Catalyst probably has the steepest learning curve but comes with a lot of power and plugins.

Dependent on complexity of your project, you could have a look at Catalyst MVC. This is a good framework, messing up with the most request stuff, but gives you enough in deep view whats going on.

http://search.cpan.org/~bobtfish/Catalyst-Manual-5.9000/lib/Catalyst/Manual/Tutorial.pod” rel=“nofollow”

如果你想开始做 mo或GI,也有一些图人:

If you re looking to try some web programming in Perl, you could try hosting a Dancer app for free on OpenShift Express.


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