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原标题:Design Pattern to require multiple events before executing method?




在有些情况下,你可以知道在请求提出之前需要装满的数量,但第一个档案可能载有档案的途径(因此是数量)。 (这种卷宗载荷情景只是试图解释的I m模式的一个实例。)

是否有人对此采取 solution强的解决办法? (我的描述是否有意义?) 感谢!


Before executing a request, store a reference (a unique request uri, the loader object or a special command object) in a list. When a loader has finished, remove that object and call a function that checks if there are remaining active tasks in the list.

提出请求或一般要求并不具体,只能用于需要等待多起行动才能完成的任何事情。 多重清单可用于同时处理多种类型的行动。 清单中储存的物体可作为command Object加以执行,从而可提供更多有关这项任务的信息。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_pattern”rel=“nofollow”

If you re doing just loading, like Jacob, I would also suggest a library that handles loading

If the case of a more complicated situation like mixing loaders and other event listeners, I would suggest using an event that fires whenever there is any change to any of the dependencies. In addition all the objects/classes would have a state.


  • object with event dispatcher (assuming they all use the same update event) ie. assetLoader
  • name of object state ie. headerLoaded
  • state value s desired ie. true

the function would add the listener to a chain of listeners, and any time any of the listeners fires, all objects would check if the state value.

这样做也会使退步(例如当用户使用一个顿语时,内容开始装货,而用户则取消,即使所有资产装载,一个物体的状态都是假的,从而不允许该项目完成) 如果你使用柜台,那就等于是增加,而不是拉平,但更可靠。

Looking for a design pattern? Try the command pattern (http://johnlindquist.com/2010/09/09/patterncraft-command-pattern/) (The video is a great example of what command pattern is and how it works - using Starcraft as an example.

The implementation is that you queue your load commands so that they do not execute out of order, and you can add the enable or disable commands to your command que. So the command pattern will play back your commands something like: load, load, load, enable ui item, load, load, enable another item

Good luck

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