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ZODBGroupManager vs Portal_groups - any problems using both?
原标题:ZODBGroupManager vs portal_groups - any problems using both?

I ve see that I can do pretty a same with them about establishing and edited groups: but when I change a group Owner (not id) programatically, the name I amended is only listed on prefs_groups_overview (and at /Plone/acl_users/source_groups/manage_workspace ) 当我使用<代码>ZODBGroupManager.updateGroup加以改动时:使用<代码>portal_groups.editGroup,修改了标题,但载于所提供的两个词汇表上。

Which should I use? Are there any problems using portal_groups to add groups and ZODBGroupManager to edit it s titles since ZODBGroupManager is the only one that changes the titles in the urls above? Will I have problems using both of them?

(一米使用Plone 3.3.5。) The bug on 4.X. (prefs_groups_overview),但我想知道,自我 st3.3.5以来,是否存在使用ZODBGroupManager的问题。


一种是“PAS plugin”(ZODBGroupManager),即带有“PAS”的船舶(Pluggable Auth Service)。 另一种是门户工具(portal_groups),该门户的船舶有PlonePAS(收集与Plone具体有关的编码和PAS plugins)。


通过这种“高/低”逻辑,你可以说门户“组”是“优”的,因为它由波罗纳管理。 但是,我会亲自使用你认为合适,而不是对问题感到担忧。



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