English 中文(简体)
简讯 未执行的时间表
原标题:JavaScript setTimeout function not executing as expected

我在座 driving,试图说明为什么这一文字不再像预期的那样执行(我昨天做了大量的工作,但我做了一些小改动, up倒了......现在我可以说明问题是什么。

    <form method="POST" name="inventory_check" id="inventory_check">    
        <input type="text" name="stock_part" id="part_input">
        <input type="hidden" name="site" value="2">
        <input type="submit" value="Check Stock" id="submit">

        if(isset($_POST[ stock_part ])) {
            $part = strtoupper($_GET[ stock_part ]);
            $site = $_POST[ site ];
            $filename =  system/inventory/ .$part. .txt ;
            if(file_exists($filename)) {
                $handle = fopen($filename,  r );
                $content = fread($handle, filesize($filename));
                $content = trim($content,  &l0O(10U );
                $content = trim($content,  E );
                date_default_timezone_set( UTC );
                $mod_date = (filemtime($filename));
                $current_date = time();
                $subtract_date = ($current_date - $mod_date);
                $subtract_date = ($subtract_date/3600);
                if ($subtract_date <= 12) {
                    $stock = number_format($content);
                    echo  <script>document.inventory_check.style.display="visible";</script> ;
                    echo  <div id="stock_results">There are  .$stock.   .$part.  in stock.</div> ;
                else {
                    echo  File too old. ;
            else {
                echo  <iframe src="http://example.com/inventory_check.php?part= .$part. &site= .$site. " height="50" width="150"></iframe> ;
                echo  <script>document.inventory_check.style.display="none";</script> ;
                echo  <div align="center"><img src="http://www.aifittingsproto.com/images/load.gif"><br /><br />Searching</div> ;
                echo  <script>setTimeOut("recheck()", 2000);</script> ;
    function recheck() {
        document.inventory_check.stock_part.value="<?php echo $part ?>";
        document.inventory_check.site.value="<?php echo $site ?>";

Basically this checks stock of a certain item on our internal servers (different domain than web server). What I m trying to accomplish is the user keys in the part number...first it checks if the ftp-ed file exists on our server..if so, it checks the time it checks if its fresher than 12hrs, and then displays it if so. If not, it opens an iframe and sends the variables to our internal server for processing, which all works as expected. My issue is, I need to be able to have it recheck if the file exists after variables are passed through the iframe. I attempted to set this up by resending the variables and submitting the form every 2 seconds. Looking at the source, all the variables are populating as expected, etc. but it is not looping through and resubmitting the form. Any suggestions why this is failing, or a better approach? Thanks in advance.


You should try replacing setTimeout("window.reload()", 2000) with setTimeout("window.reload", 2000). My understanding is that you need to pass functions without the brackets for timeouts.

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