English 中文(简体)
原标题:Displaying only searched treenode

我在寻找 no子时,在窗户应用上有树木观,我需要隐藏所有剩余的 no子,我只需要显示被搜索的 no子及其母子。 喜欢

grandParent Parent1 child1 child2 child3. parent2 child4 child5 if the searched node is child 3 i need to show the out put as..

grandParent Parent1 child3 all auother are to be Hide.


Unfortunately (as far as I know) if you are using a WinForms TreeView control then hiding nodes is not as simple as setting the IsVisible property (due to the fact that the property is read only).




using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ClassLibrary;
using System.Xml;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Linq;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication
    public partial class HideRestoreNodesForm : Form
        private List<RemovedTreeNode> _removedNodes = new List<RemovedTreeNode>();

        public HideRestoreNodesForm()


        private void searchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeNode[] foundNodes = treeView1.Nodes.Find("NameOfNodeToFind", true);
            if(foundNodes.Length > 0)
                TreeNode foundNode = foundNodes[0];
                HideNodes(treeView1.Nodes, foundNode);

        private void HideNodes(TreeNodeCollection nodes, TreeNode visibleNode)
            List<TreeNode> nodesToRemove = new List<TreeNode>();
            foreach (TreeNode node in nodes)
                if (!AreNodesRelated(node, visibleNode))
                    _removedNodes.Add(new RemovedTreeNode() { RemovedNode = node, ParentNode = node.Parent, RemovedNodeIndex = node.Index });
                    HideNodes(node.Nodes, visibleNode);

            foreach (TreeNode node in nodesToRemove)

        private bool AreNodesRelated(TreeNode firstNode, TreeNode secondNode)
            if (!IsNodeAncestor(firstNode, secondNode) && !IsNodeAncestor(secondNode, firstNode) && firstNode != secondNode)
                return false;
                return true;

        private bool IsNodeAncestor(TreeNode nodeToCheck, TreeNode descendantNode)
            TreeNode parentNode = descendantNode.Parent;
            while (parentNode != null)
                if (parentNode == nodeToCheck)
                    return true;
                    parentNode = parentNode.Parent;

            return false;

        private void restoreNodes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void RestoreNodes()
            foreach (RemovedTreeNode removedNode in _removedNodes)
                if (removedNode.ParentNode == null)
                    removedNode.ParentNode.Nodes.Insert(removedNode.RemovedNodeIndex ,removedNode.RemovedNode);


    public class RemovedTreeNode
        public TreeNode RemovedNode { get; set; }
        public int RemovedNodeIndex { get; set; }
        public TreeNode ParentNode { get; set; }


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