English 中文(简体)
Check if Field is of Type Rich Text with @Formula

I need to check if a field is of type "Rich Text" using @Forumla in a View. How can I achieve this? Alternatively, check the byte size of a field also using @Forumla in a View.


You can turn Rich Text into plain text using the @Abstract formula, and then display that in the view. Unfortunately @Abstract does not work in views.

If views themselves won t get the job done, you can always use an agent to process the documents and set a document item value, which in turn can be shown in a view. It s an extra step but often can get the job done. Using LotusScript you could loop through all the document s items and check if they are a RICHTEXT type, and then stamp the document with an "IsRichText" item set to "Yes", for example.


Formula language will not show these values. The closes you can get is @Length. If it is possible in the design, calculate these values is a separate field using lotus script.

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