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原标题:SQL Server Profiler

When you use SQL Server profiler What s difference between Duration and CPU? I know by default both were shown as in MilliSeconds and CPU is amount of CPU time it took to run the query while duration is more like amount of time it took query to return any data.

Based on my understanding if there is any blocking etc. your CPU time could be less but duration could be higher.

任何人都能够产生更深刻的见解? 难以找到微妙的差别。


Duration can include wait time, I/O, data transfer time, etc. CPU is just the time the CPU spent. If your query is CPU-bound, it will be a lot closer than if it is I/O- or memory-bound.


邮联时间是请求/声明(取决于你重新监测的情况)在所有邮联<>上积极(而不是中止)消费的时间。 对于单一阅读的询问,这总是低于或等于过去的时间(期限=隔离墙锁)。 但对于平行询问,万国邮联的时间可以收到。 时间已经过去,因为它增加了几个万国邮联的时间。

总的来说,从>>>/>输出,到 (CPU时间称为worker_time)或>。 (a) 本债务管理和金融分析体系中的名称为cpu_time

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