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Fetching with Join QueryOver: Get grandgrandchildren, knowledge original
原标题:Fetching with JoinQueryOver: Get greatgrandchildren, know father

Object Structure: A house has many rooms. A room has many tables. A table has many vases (on it).

House > 会议室;桌椅;瓦西。

我愿利用Join QueryOver在某个房屋中选择所有有红色的血管表。


var v = session.QueryOver<House>()
    .Where(x => x.ID == HouseID)
        .JoinQueryOver<Room>(x => x.Rooms)
            .JoinQueryOver<Table>(x => x.Tables)
                .JoinQueryOver<Vase>(x => x.Vases)
                    .Where(x => x.Color == "Red")

这是我尝试的一种做法(许多失败者)。 我并不真的想要下议院和会议厅。





var v = session.QueryOver<Table>()
        .Where(x => x.Room.House.ID == HouseID) // this Where won t work.
            .JoinQueryOver<Vase>(x => x.Vases)
                .Where(x => x.Color == "Red")
var v = session.QueryOver<Table>()
    .JoinAlias(x => x.Room, () => room)
    .Where(() => room.House.ID == HouseID)
    .JoinQueryOver<Vase>(x => x.Vases)
        .Where(x => x.Color == "Red")


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