English 中文(简体)
原标题:Resizing iframe when document changes size

我有一个网页,申请在iframe(同一领域)运行。 单体高度是根据撞击文件高度确定的。 问题是,如果影响的文件规模发生变化(通过扩大协议、菜单等)。 当发生这种情况时,是否有事件发生,我可以相应地利用机面部分进行改装?

我试图把窗户的转播活动捆绑起来,但由于窗户在文件内容发生变化时没有重新铺面,事件突然发生。 我需要的是在文件标的上进行某种转播,但就我所知,没有这样做。 是否有另一种办法检测文件高度的变化?



There are resize events fired for the iframe window. You can listen to them (in the iframe itself) and than trigger some function in the parent window to propagate new size and update the iframe size in the parent window.

您是否尝试使用<代码>scroll活动,并附上其内容 iFrame的窗口?

Otherwise I would rather suggest you hook directly into the accordion rather than relying on catching scroll events that may or may not happen. Because scroll will only fire once the user actually scrolled the slider, not when the accordion expands..



By binding to the body element s DOMSubtreeModified in the iframe, I can find the iframe element in parent or top and change it s height.

$( body ).bind( DOMSubtreeModified , function(){
    top.document.getElementById( appFrame ).height = $(document).height();

Here s an overview of the browser support for this event: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/

如果你使用j Query ui,你可以使用<条码>交换<>条码>和电话功能>。



function setHeight() {
    parent.document.getElementById( the-iframe-id ).height = document[ body ].offsetHeight;

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