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是否:在太阳站/固体可搜索方法中被 ?
原标题:Does :include inside a sunspot/solr searchable method do anything?


searchable(:auto_index => false, :auto_remove => true,
           :include => { :account => true,
           :user_practice_contact => [:city],
           :user_professional_detail => [:specialty, :subspecialties]}) do


searchable(:auto_index => false, :auto_remove => true) do



Benchmark.measure { User.limit(50).each do |u|; u.index; end; Sunspot.commit; }
   => #<Benchmark::Tms:0x1130b34e8 @real=6.8079788684845, @utime=5.05, @cstime=0.0, @cutime=0.0, @total=5.2, @label="", @stime=0.149999999999999>


Benchmark.measure { User.limit(50).each do |u|; u.index; end; Sunspot.commit; }
 => #<Benchmark::Tms:0x112ef0fe8 @real=6.82465195655823, @utime=4.92, @cstime=0.0, @cutime=0.0, @total=5.07, @label="", @stime=0.15> 

Does anybody know if the includes are supposed to work? And if so, am I doing it wrong? I looked at the docs: http://outoftime.github.com/sunspot/rails/docs/ and see no mention of that.


, AP, :include


你的基准没有适当发挥作用,因为你正在把个人记录编入一个普通的Rubyer的索引。 由于你正在编造一个纪录的50倍,Sunspot公司根本无法利用急切的负荷。 相反,你应当:

Sunspot.index( User.limit(50) );

Oh,如果以下几条速度快于上述速度,你能否测试? 我确实想知道。

Sunspot.index( User.includes(:account).limit(50) );



By looking at the SQL queries in the Rails log, you can see that :include on searchable causes eager loading while indexing. :include on #search caused eager loading while searching.

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