English 中文(简体)
原标题:Importing big XML file (100k of records) into database
  • 时间:2011-09-02 18:45:12
  •  标签:
  • java
  • xml
  • dom

I am facing the problem the problem while parsing the XML. Its cosuming 47% of CPU and its very slow. It seems like DOM loads the XML into the memory and from there it starts reading the XML Tree node by node.

I am reading a node and dumping it to the Database.

I want a solution where I can read the XML without loading into the memory.



Look for SAX parser, it s only way to do something with XML without build of full DOM in memory. There are some limitations but maybe it will suit your needs.


Nux StreamingPathFilter。 有了这个班子,你就能够把集水器的流放设施和低记忆足迹与轻度使用多功能二者结合起来。

但是,只有你的XML文件具有类似结构的记录,才能做到这一点。 例如,<代码>< person/>s。

(Following examples are taken from the Nux website and modified by me)


StreamingTransform myTransform = new StreamingTransform() {
  public Nodes transform(Element person) {
    // Process person element, i.e. store it in a database
    return new Nodes(); // mark element as subject to garbage collection


// parse document with a filtering Builder
NodeFactory factory = new StreamingPathFilter("/persons/person", null).
                            createNodeFactory(null, myTransform);
new Builder(factory).build(new File("/tmp/persons.xml"));

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