English 中文(简体)
系统。 努力是一种类别,但为什么我们不用新关键词立即使用?
原标题:System.String is a class type, but why we can use it without instantiate it with New keyword?

我对扼杀阶级有问题。 <代码>System.String是一种类别,但为什么我们可以使用,而不必随便使用New?


Dim CommandLineParameters As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Command



页: 1

Dim s As String = "hello"

你们只是指定一个参考资料。 在幕后,汇编者生成密码,以瞬息万计标的<代码>hello>。 这种即时情况可能发生在派任之前很久,但详细情况是另一个例子。



Dim CommandLineParameters As String = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Command

没有任何物体被当场。 发生这种情况的是,对现有物体的提及被复制。





你可以在不立即的情况下真正使用这一工具(下文将写一些警告)。 你可以:

A. 拷贝string reference to another string 参考

B) Add a string to a Nothing value. This has been added to simplify the using of strings. See f或 example C#: Why is adding null to a string legal? but it should be the same f或 VB.NET .


C) In VB.NET there is a big difference with C#: "internal" VB.NET functions consider Nothing to be equivalent of "". So Len(Nothing) = 0 and UCase(Nothing) = "". Methods of the string class will still throw an exception if used on Nothing (from String Manipulation and Nothing = String.Empty (Why are these equal?))

I ll add that string literals (f或 example "Foo") are pre-built during the loading of the assembly where they are defined. So if you do

Dim aString As String = "A String"

what you are doing is copying the reference of the string object containing "A String" to aString.


char[] chars = {  w ,  o ,  r ,  d  };
string string1 = new string(chars);

string my string = "test";

that instantiates as new string with the value "test" What you are talking about is accessing Static Type members, such as String.Format or String.Join.

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