English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to use Redis with Ktor to do text searches with JSON data types?


图书馆和样本代码都是为 Java撰写的。



看看Redis docs, 即它全部用于贾瓦,与科特林无关。 我找不到任何专设的红树图书馆。




dependencies {
    // Lettuce for Redis
    implementation("com.redis:lettucemod:3.6.3") // Extension library

页: 1 RedisSearchCommands.kt

// Define the Redis Search Commands
// Yes, its odd that we have to define the commands this way, but it s how it works.
interface RedisSearchCommands : Commands {
    @CommandNaming(strategy = CommandNaming.Strategy.DOT)
    fun ftCreate(index: String, vararg args: String): String

    @CommandNaming(strategy = CommandNaming.Strategy.DOT)
    fun ftAdd(index: String, docId: String, score: Double, vararg fields: Any): String

    @Command("FT.CONFIG SET")
    @CommandNaming(strategy = CommandNaming.Strategy.DOT)
    fun ftConfigSet(key: String, value: String): String

    @Command("FT.CONFIG GET")
    @CommandNaming(strategy = CommandNaming.Strategy.DOT)
    fun ftConfigGet(key: String): String

    @CommandNaming(strategy = CommandNaming.Strategy.DOT)
    fun ftDropindex(index: String): String

/ Application.kt

@OptIn(InternalSerializationApi::class, ExperimentalLettuceCoroutinesApi::class)
fun Application.module() {
    val redisClient: RedisModulesClient = RedisModulesClient.create("redis://localhost:6379")
    val redisConnection: StatefulRedisModulesConnection<String, String> = redisClient.connect()
    val redisSyncCommands: RedisModulesCommands<String, String> = redisConnection.sync()
    val redisCoroutineCommand = redisConnection.coroutines()
    val redisReactiveCommand = redisConnection.reactive(

    // setup the search commands not included in libraries
    val redisSearchCommands = RedisCommandFactory(redisConnection).getCommands(RedisSearchCommands::class.java)

    redisSearchCommands.ftConfigSet("MINPREFIX", "1") // allow one character prefix for FT.SEARCH

    try {
        // check if index exists
        val result = redisSyncCommand.ftInfo("users_index")
    } catch (e: Exception) {
        // setup json text search index
        val result = redisSyncCommand.ftCreate(
            CreateOptions.builder<String, String>()
            Field.tag("$.id")  // note: TAGs do not separate words/special characters
                .withSuffixTrie()  // for improved search (go -> going, goes, gone)

        if (result != "OK") {
            ktorLogger.error("Error creating index: $result")

    val redisInfo = redisSyncCommand.info("users_index")
    println("redisInfo: $redisInfo")

    val resultRedisAdd1 = redisSyncCommand.jsonSet(
        "$", // path
                "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
                "email": "chris@alpha.com",
                "name": "Chris"
    println("resultRedisAdd1: $resultRedisAdd1")

    val resultRedisAdd2 = redisSyncCommand.jsonSet(
                "id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002",
                "email": "billy@beta.com",
                "name": "Billy"
    println("resultRedisAdd2: $resultRedisAdd2")

    val escapedSearchId = "0000-000000000001".escapeRedisSearchSpecialCharacters()
    val resultIdSearch = redisSyncCommand.ftSearch(
        "@id:{*$escapedSearchId*}" // search for  0000-000000000001  in id
    println("resultIdSearch: $resultIdSearch")

    val resultTagSearch = redisSyncCommand.ftSearch(
        "@email:{*ch*}" // search for  ch  in email, note use curly-braces for TAG type
    println("resultTagSearch: $resultTagSearch")

    val resultTextSearch = redisSyncCommand.ftSearch(
        "@name:*bi*" // search for  bi  in name, note NO curly-braces for TEXT type
    println("resultTextSearch: $resultTextSearch")

    data class UserSearchResult(
        val email: String,
        val name: String,

    val resultArray = resultTagSearch.map { resultMap ->
        val resultValue = resultMap.get("$") as String
    println("resultArray: $resultArray")

    routing {
        route("/redis") {

            get("/keys") {
                val keys = redisCoroutineCommand.keys("*")
                val output: ArrayList<String> = arrayListOf()
                keys.collect { key ->
                    output += key
                call.respondJson(mapOf("keys" to output.toString()))

            get("/jsonGet") {
                val key = call.request.queryParameters["key"]
                key ?: run {
                    call.respondJson(mapOf("error" to "Missing key"), HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                val paths = call.request.queryParameters["paths"] ?: "$"

                val value = redisReactiveCommand.jsonGet(key, paths) ?: run {
                    call.respondJson(mapOf("error" to "Key not found"), HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                call.respondJson(mapOf("key" to key, "value" to (value.block()?.toString() ?: "null")))

            get("/jsonSet") {
                val key = call.request.queryParameters["key"] ?: run {
                    call.respondJson(mapOf("error" to "Missing key"), HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)
                val paths = call.request.queryParameters["paths"] ?: "$"
                val value = call.request.queryParameters["value"] ?: run {
                    call.respondJson(mapOf("error" to "Missing value"), HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)

                val result = redisReactiveCommand.jsonSet( key, paths, value) ?: run {
                    call.respondJson(mapOf("error" to "Failed to set key"), HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                call.respondJson(mapOf("success" to Json.encodeToString(result.block())))


fun String.escapeRedisSearchSpecialCharacters(): String {
    val escapeChars =
        ,.<>{}[]" :;!@#$%^&*()-+=~"
    var result = this

    escapeChars.forEach {
        result = result.replace(it.toString(), "\$it")

    return result

• 启用Ktor服务器,并可以使用任何浏览器(或邮递员)进行以下指挥:

页: 1

- Get json object
- Example:

- Set json object
- Example

页: 1


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