I have a model called "note", a modelform for it, and inside the template I need that everytime a note element sends the stop() signal (from jQuery Sortables) django updates the object.
def save_note(request, space_name):
Saves the note content and position within the table.
place = get_object_or_404(Space, url=space_name)
note_form = NoteForm(request.POST or None)
if request.method == "POST" and request.is_ajax:
msg = "The operation has been received correctly."
print request.POST
msg = "GET petitions are not allowed for this view."
return HttpResponse(msg)
function saveNote(noteObj) {
saveNote(noteObj) - Saves the notes making an AJAX call to django. This
function is meant to be used with a Sortable stop event.
Arguments: noteObj, note object.
var noteID = noteObj.attr( id );
$.post("../save_note/", {
noteid: noteID,
phase: "Example phase",
parent: $( # + noteID).parent( td ).attr( id ),
title: $( # + noteID + textarea ).val(),
message: "Blablbla",
现行代码从模板中获取数据,并在终端中打印。 我不知道我如何操纵这一数据。 我看到一些人通过分类管理数据,将数据发送到 d。