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原标题:Need PHP help assigning a piece of data from an Amazon S3 query to a variable

I m利用AWS PHP SDK以及以下所列代码,归还一份与我亚马孙S3服务中一台夹有关的物体清单:

$s3 = new AmazonS3();

$response = $s3->list_objects($bucket, array(
     prefix  =>  myfolder/ 



The $response seems to be an array with a bunch of stuff in it: Key, LastModified, ETag, Size, Owner

购买力平价法将采取对应措施,并将一个比值分配给一个变量。 例如,答复中的1项数据是“灰色”数据,看起来像这样:

[Key] => myfolder/myfile.pdf






It has been awhile since I ve used php, but this should be work if I understand your problem. If $response is an array with each element containing an associative array for the matching object.

$hassfilepath = Array();
    foreach($response as $element){
        $haasfilepath << $element[key];

每一方将允许你通过回复中归还的所有物体。 在座右边,你将每个[Key]推入“haasfilepath”的阵列。 现在,你们有一系列重要回馈。

据我所知,答复将是一个XML文件(并非一个阵列名称-价值-pair),你必须把XML文件整理起来。 Try researching xpath and similar methods in parse XMl file in php。

foreach ($response->body as $key => $haasfilepath)
 echo  value for key  , $key,   is  , $haasfilepath,  <br> ;


$haasfilepath = $response->body[ key ];
echo $haasfilepath;

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