English 中文(简体)
1. 界定多面阵列,并用 j
原标题:Define a multi dimensional array with javascript
  • 时间:2011-09-09 13:50:54
  •  标签:
  • javascript


var Test = new Array();
Test = ("Rose","India",564,375,new Array(5,6,7),".net");


Test = ("Rose" => "Pleb",
      "India" => "Test",
      new Array(5,6,7),

But that doesn t work. How is this done?


在javascript、阵列和物体中有两个数据结构(实际上,阵列是一种特殊用途,但现在并不对此感到关切)。 一个阵列是收集星群;钥匙可能是非毗连的(即不需要0,1,2,3,可能达到0,51,52,99,102)。 你们可以把财产划给一阵列,但这使得对这些财产进行挖掘更加困难。



var myArray = []; // creates a new empty array

var myOtherArray = [ "foo", "bar", "baz"]; // creates an array literal:
// myOtherArray[0] === "foo"
// myOtherArray[1] === "bar"
// myOtherArray[2] === "baz"

// This would be reasonably called a multidimensional array:
var myNestedArray = [ [ "foo", "bar", "baz"], [ "one", "two", "three"] ];
// myNestedArray[0] => [ "foo", "bar", "baz"];
// myNestedArray[1] => [ "one", "two", "three"];
// myNestedArray[0][0] === "foo";
// myNestedArray[1][0] === "one";

var myObject = {}; // creates an empty object literal

var myOtherObject = {
    one: "foo",
    two: "bar",
    three: "baz"
// myOtherObject.one === "foo"
// myOtherObject["one"] === "foo" (you can access using brackets as well)
// myOtherObject.two === "bar"
// myOtherObject.three === "baz"

// You can nest the two like this:
var myNestedObject = {
    anArray: [ "foo", "bar", "baz" ],
    anObject: {
        one: "foo",
        two: "bar",
        three: "baz"


    // Declare an array to hold all of the data grid values
    var dataGridArray = [];

    // Turn dataGridArray into a 2D array
    for (arrayCounter = 0; arrayCounter < document.getElementById("cphMain_dtgTimesheet").rows.length - 2; arrayCounter++) {

        // Create a new array within the original array
        dataGridArray[arrayCounter] = [];

    } // for arrayCounter


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