English 中文(简体)
原标题:multiple items being inserted as one item into db

我正试图接受多种物品,从形式和到达地点时,用于加工、分立物品,并将它们作为适当物品处理,插入db。 目前发生的情况是,这些项目正作为一个项目列入b。 例如,我进入项目1,项目2,项目3。 这正列入一个栏目。 一栏中所有三个项目。 我如何纠正我的法典,把每个项目放在自己的一栏。 很多人

php page

foreach($_POST[ BRVbrtrv_boxnumber ] as $i=>$value){
$_POST[ BRVbrtrv_boxnumber ][$i]=mysql_real_escape_string($value);

$boxnumber = implode(  , , $_POST[ BRVbrtrv_boxnumber ]);

$query =  INSERT INTO `act` (`service`, `activity`, `department`, `company`,  `address`, `user`, `item`, `destroydate`, `date`, `new`)
         VALUES (  .$service.  ,   .$activity.  ,   .$department.  ,   .$company.  ,   .$address.  ,   .$authorised.  ,   .strtoupper($boxnumber).  , NULL, NOW(),   .$new.  ); ;
mysql_query($query) or die( Error, query failed );


for(var i = 0;i < $(this).val();i++) {
$("#BRVbrtrv_boxnumber").append( <div data-role="fieldcontain"><label for="BRVbrtrv_boxnumber" class="ui-input-text">Enter box   + (i + 1) +   number:</label><input type="text" name="BRVbrtrv_boxnumber[ +i+ ]" id="BRVbrtrv_boxnumber[ +i+ ]" class="BRV_boxnumber ui-input-text ui-body-null ui-corner-all ui-shadow-inset ui-body-c" /></div> )

json output

boxnumber: "rff,tgg" <- this is correct values for 2 items that I input


    foreach($_POST[ BRVbrtrv_boxnumber ] as $i=>$value){
            $_POST[ BRVbrtrv_boxnumber ][$i]= strtoupper( mysql_real_escape_string($value) );

    foreach( $_POST[ BRVbrtrv_boxnumber ] as $k => $item_name ){

    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" );
    header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate( "D, d M Y H:i:s" ) . "GMT" );
    header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" );
    header("Pragma: no-cache" );
    header("Content-type: application/json");
    $json = "";
    if(empty($service)) {
    $json .= "{"ErrorService": "ERROR: You mest select a service level"}";

    if($department=="Choose Department") {
    $json .= "{"ErrorService": "ERROR: You must select a department"}";

    if($address=="Choose Address") {
    $json .= "{"ErrorService": "ERROR: You must select a retrieval address"}";

    if(empty($item_name)) {
    $json .= "{"ErrorService": "ERROR: You must enter a box for retrieval"}";

    $json .= "{
    $json .= ""boxnumber": "".$item_name."",
    $json .= ""boxcount": "".$boxcount.""
    $json .= "}
foreach($_POST[ BRVbrtrv_boxnumber ] as $i=>$value){
        $_POST[ BRVbrtrv_boxnumber ][$i]= strtoupper( mysql_real_escape_string($value) );

foreach( $_POST[ BRVbrtrv_boxnumber ] as $k => $item_name )

    $query =  INSERT INTO `act` (`service`, `activity`, `department`, `company`,  
                                 `address`,  `user`, `item`, `destroydate`, `date`
   VALUES (  .$service.  ,   .$activity.  ,   .$department.  ,   .$company.  ,    .$address.  ,   .$authorised.  ,   .$item_name.  , NULL, NOW(),   .$new.  ); ;
mysql_query($query) or die( Error, query failed );

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