我真的仍然不知道问题在哪里。 我发现,我正在迅速从我的服务中获取我的数据(5至6秒),把数据推向显示,然后发出信号,表明我的观点Model,即数据可以显示(使用MVVER式电灯光数据),然后,我的透镜将阻挡10至40秒。
而我并没有这样做。 我的国歌正在做一些微调,......对我上页的习惯进展感动却感到不快。 而通过信使发送的物体Im是超小的(一对一只显示数据可以找到的地方和它所看的情况的船只)。
但是,这种透镜(这是应对屏幕触动事件的透镜)完全受阻。 我在read子最后打开锁时,就把我的ot子控制和所有触动的数据登记册移。
I went to the Windows Phone Performance Analysis, figuring that it would be super-obvious what the problem would be (I figured I d see the CPU spike to 100% and I could track down the functions that were killing me) But it doesn t seem to notice anything unusual, the usual UI Thread hogging the show, but nothing out of the ordinary.
I am utterly befuddled. Is there something in Mango that I need to be aware of that will block my render thread so severely?