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原标题:Gson exception while reading Json with JsonArray and JsonObject

我正试图用Gson呼吁作出 j击。 但是,它包含一个位于同一个地方的JSONArray物体和一个位于同一等级的JSONObject。




Here first Item element contain an array and second one is an object. Below is my code,

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;

public class Next { 
public static void main(String args[]){

    String jsonData = Services.getJsonData();   //{"SERVICES":{"Results":[{"Items":{"Item":[{"@Id":"10"},{"@Id":"12"}]}}, {"Items":{"Item":{"@Id":"13"}}}]}}    

    TResponseInfo responseInfo = new Gson().fromJson(jsonData, TResponseInfo.class);        

class TResponseInfo{
    TServicesInfo SERVICES;

class TServicesInfo {
    List<TResultsInfo> Results;

class TResultsInfo {
    TItemsInfo Items;

class TItemsInfo {
    List<TItemInfo> Item;
    //TItemInfo Item;

class TItemInfo {
    int Id;


鉴于java.util的类型,没有将json物体{“@Id”:“13”}分解。 名单

内容提要 这不是一个JSON Array。



First you have:


then you have:




It can be hard to manage generics with Gson. I would suggest you to use arrays instead. E.g. something like this:

class TResponseInfo{
    TServicesInfo SERVICES;

class TServicesInfo {
    TResultsInfo[] Results; // an array  instead of a generic List

class TResultsInfo {
    TItemsInfo Items;

class TItemsInfo {
    TItemInfo[] Item; // an array instead of a generic List

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