English 中文(简体)
原标题:Sorting an array of directory filenames in descending natural order




The items to be sorted are numbered image files. They are to be returned as: 10 9 8 7 and so on, but like from like 1000 999 998 997 ... until 0

Here s my current code:

$dir =  dead_dir/dead_content/ ;
$launcher = scandir($dir);
array_reverse($launcher, false);
foreach ($launcher as $value) {
    if (in_array(pathinfo($value, PATHINFO_EXTENSION), array( png ))) {
        echo  <img src="dead_dir/dead_content/ .$value. " /> 
 $dir= dead_dir/dead_content/ ;
 $launcher= scandir($dir);
 $r_launcher = array_reverse($launcher,true);

 foreach($r_launcher as $value ){
   if(in_array(pathinfo($value, PATHINFO_EXTENSION),array( png ))){
       echo  <img src="dead_dir/dead_content/ .$value. " /> }}

问题很简单:array_reverse(<>/code>>未参照修改。 你混淆了<代码>sort(>的功能。 相反,你只需要使用它产生的回报价值。 尽管如此,有更好的办法。 阅读......

由于PHP5.4,rsort ($array, SORT_NATURAL),你在DESC秩序中将阵列,并将连续编号作为数字而不是扼制。 这是一种比较直接和简明的方法,与natsort(> 然后array_reverse()

(Demo(Demo with jpg>>

我建议使用<代码>glob()扫描你的名录。 这样,你就可以在同一电话中添加<代码>.png过滤器。

$dir =  dead_dir/dead_content/ ;
$filepaths = glob($dir .  *.png );
rsort($filepaths, SORT_NATURAL);
foreach ($filepaths as $filepath) {
    echo  <img src="  . $filepath .  " /> ;

如果你不走这条路,只是归还档案名称,那么你就只是修改了c>urrent w >。

chdir( dead_dir/dead_content );
$filenames = glob( *.png );
rsort($filenames, SORT_NATURAL);
foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
    echo "<div>.png filename => $filename</div>";


如以下几页所示,航天运营商将自动地将黄麻数字载体作为分类,并得出与以上<代码>代码>解决方案相同的结果。 使用空间运营商仍然比使用natsort(>)更直接。


$filenames = ["10", "1", "100", "1000", "20", "200", "2"];
usort($filenames, function($a, $b) {
    return $b <=> $a;



array (
  0 =>  1000 ,
  1 =>  200 ,
  2 =>  100 ,
  3 =>  20 ,
  4 =>  10 ,
  5 =>  2 ,
  6 =>  1 ,



  • To achieve ASC order, write $a <=> $b.
  • To achieve DESC order, write $b <=> $a.

If your image names will be in the format 123-image_name.jpg, 2323-image_name.jpg, ... this will do:

 * Compares digits in image names in the format "123-image_name.jpg"
 * @param string $img1 First image name
 * @param string $img2 Second image name
 * @return integer -1 If first image name digit is greater than second one.
 * 0 If image name digits are equal.
 * 1 If first image name digit is smaller than second one.
function compareImageNames($img1, $img2){
    $ptr =  /^(d+)-/ ; // pattern

    // let s get the number out of the image names
    if (preg_match($ptr, $img1, $m1) && preg_match($ptr, $img2, $m2)) {
        $first  = (int) $m1[0]; // first match integer
        $second = (int) $m2[0]; // second match integer

        // equal don t change places
        if($first === $second) return 0;

        // if move first down if it is lower than second
        return ($first < $second) ? 1 : -1;
    } else{
        // image names didn t have a digit in them
        // move them to front
        return 1;

// sort array
usort($images,  compareImageNames );

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