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原标题:rails distributed parallel tests


https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests 对当地工人实行罚款,但无法在多台机器上操作。

https://github.com/qxjit/deep-test - 我在开车时没有灯塔,例如有一条线。



With Hydra I got an issue waiting forever for ssh workers


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http://test-load-balancer.github.io/rel=“nofollow”http://test-load-balancer.github.io/ 我过去取得了巨大成功。

如果你愿意在接受的 CI服务上进行测试,那么就有一些很好的选择。 仅举几个例子:

  1. Travis CI (there is pro version for private repos)
  2. Semaphore (Heroku addon present) parallelism even on the free plans
  3. Tddium (already mentioned above)
  4. Codeship (Heroku addon present, unsure of any out of the box support)
  5. Circle CI (Parallelism on paid plans)
  6. Snap-CI (Pipeline parallelism allow you greater control but with some configuration. Also they might be adding more out of box support in future)

我在我的项目中尝试了所有这些项目,而且它们都做得很好。 差异主要在于如何定价服务。 如果你想支付订阅费,最好依靠这些服务,而不是试图处理将测试分解为程序的问题。 当然,例外情况是,如果你以足够大的规模这样做,就可以证明在这种情况下节省费用是合理的。


  • Parallelism within the same process can still give you good results on a sufficiently beefy box (with more cores) without much effort should be your first chocie, unless you have have already run out of option.
  • If your eventual goal is to speed up tests, do look at some benefits Travis-CI offers by with a better file system and an in memory database. (I not sure about this one)
  • If you still planning on setting up this on your own, you should look at GoCD, in combination with TestLoadBalancer (mentioned earlier).
  • Keep in mind if the problem your trying to solve is a growing test suite on sufficiently large project, you might want to actively start thinking about splitting your test suites logically and actually speeding them up, since parallelism only manages to delay the ultimate problem of a long running test suite it does not solve it completely.


tests ,在使用平行考试的节目中被炸死

http://www.shippable.com 连续服务

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