我们再为基于Oracle数据库的大型系统撰写新的网络接口。 所有业务规则都已编入PL/SQL
的存储程序,我们希望尽可能重用代码。 我们撰写了一些新的储存程序,将现有业务规则与最后结果数据集结合起来。
We want to do this on the database level to avoid java-db round trips. The interface layer will be written in Java (we d like to use GWT), so we need a way of passing data from Oracle stored procedures to Java service side. The data can be e.g. a set of properties of a specific item or a list of items fulfilling certain criteria. Would anyone recommend a preferable way of doing this?
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我们重新审议了以下两种情景之一:
passing objects and lists of objects (DB object types defined on the schema level)
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