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原标题:Cannot read properties of undefined (reading size ) - Next js 13

今天,我提出一个问题,即使用13.4版本的“后继器”。 (一) 使用搜查 在服务器方面,它正 throw倒: 不能读到未经界定的(接近大小)iam结构大小和风格搜索束的特性。 这是我的法典:

Iam performing add to cart functionlaity, which speaks to backend. this is my addToCart function:

 const addToCartHandler = async () => {
    const style = Number(searchParams.get("style"));
    const size = searchParams.get("size");
    console.log("iam from front", style, Number(size));
    await axios
      .then((res) => console.log("data------>", res.data));       


import { NextResponse } from "next/server";
import connect from "../../../../utils/db";
export const GET = async (
  req: Request,
  { params, searchParams }: { params: any; searchParams: any }
) => {
  try {
    await connect();
    const { id } = params;
    const size = searchParams.size;
    const style = searchParams.style;
    console.log(id, size, style);
    return new NextResponse(id, { status: 200 });
  } catch (error: any) {
    return new NextResponse(`${error}`, {
      status: 500,
      statusText: error.message,

I have tried this above code after clicking add to cart button, it throws me enter image description here

I think there s an error in backend. Please ignore it if you think this is stupid, it s a beginner mistake. :)


在NodeJS的世界上,搜查Params是一种有多种方法的物体,直接回报价值。 在此情况下,searchrams.size>将eq an instance of URLSearchParams Object,意义的是searchParams equal to a URLSearchrams.size.size


    const size = searchParams.get( size );
    const style = searchParams.get( style );

See official NodeJS doc for searchParams here https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#urlsearchparams

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