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Can 在按方案定义的邮政管理处表格中,使用“SQL”一词?
原标题:Can I insert in a programmatically defined PostgreSQL table using SQL language?

I was just about to write a trigger function using EXECUTE to insert into a table according to the date_parts of now(), or create it first if it should not exist .. when I found that somebody had already done that for us - right under the chapter of the docs you are referring to yourself:

将所有途径放到用户“用户评论”。 Laban Mwangi树立了一个榜样。


《邮政手册》的/interactive分行已经删除,链接被重新定位。 因此,我所说的话已经过去。 查阅这些后来与详细指示密切相关的答复:

关于partition,现在已经有了更好的解决办法,例如10号或10号之后的隔.。 例:




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