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原标题:"Cannot connect to iTunes Store" in-app purchases

我在测试我的在申请采购时遇到问题。 我拿回了有效的产品识别码,但在购买时,我收到了“没有连接到掩饰库”。 令人感兴趣的是,恢复采购似乎在发挥作用——由Buit木工pop立。

I have: - Checked that my in-app purchases are cleared for sale - Checked, rechecked my source code to be in sync with Apple s documentation - Added appropiate test users - app id does not contain wildcard - in-app purchases are linked to the app (app itself is in developer rejected state, purchases are in ready to submit) - waited - reinstalled app, cleaned solution, all the voodoo stuff


Make sure you have signed out of any production iTunes accounts on the device.

I was getting this error on my test phone which was logged in with my actual iTunes account. You cannot test apps using your production iTunes account, hence the error. I just wish Apple provided a better error so as to avoid this guesswork...


http://developer.apple.com/library/content/technotes/tn2413/_index.html#/apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40016228-CH1-ERROR_MESSAGES-CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_ITUNES_STORE>In-App 采购价:不能连接到联合国公共财产库

Your app is running in the Simulator, which does not support In-App Purchase


I ve been having this problem and I m convinced its a bug. I ve filed a bug report with Bug Id 10108270

The problem seems to be that the test user is getting locked and may have something to do with attempting to purchase an in app purchase in an already released app with that account.

我的工作是创建一个新的测试用户,但直到现在。 果 Apple回我,我无法提供任何更好的解决办法。 在我收到答复时,我谨更新这一答案。

这个问题在2016年依然顽固存在。 易腐化。 我的解决办法是:

Add a build number. Target > General > Identities > Build.

This is an old thread that is related to problem I was facing today.

就我而言,我得以在昨天测试了在我的装置上进行的采购,但今天停止了工作。 它指出, Apple果推动了一项《白费申请修正案》,供我审查和同意。 一旦我同意修正案(当然不宣读修正案),所有事情都会再次开始。 无需创建新的测试用户或任何其他工作方。

可能有许多理由在申请中采购不工作,但要确保在<条码>查询<<>代码>上正确设定。 或者说,你获得了在申请中进行采购的测试。

我打着同一问题。 这对我来说,是在这种自觉之后发生的:

  • Install app on a device logged into a UK account on iTunes
  • Launch the app and use a test user set in USA
  • Message is shown saying account is only valid in USA. Closes the app and auto launches iTunes
  • Open your app again and retry purchase. Receive products but no other callback or error.


3. 测试您的协会的工作:

  1. Remove Provisioning Profile in Settings area, remove App and log out from Store in Settings. Then go to XCode and change the signing identities to "Do Not Sign" to then put them back (I know how it sounds :) but try) OR
  2. Hard reset all Settings on your device (Settings -> General...). Obviously you will loose any settings on that device...
  3. Kill iTunes app on the device (multitask menu) and log out from the Store on the Settings


https://www.apple.com https://www.apple.com/support/systemstatus/。



  • 确保在应用仓库连接中安装沙箱用户

  • 传真:DOES NOT支助 申请购买:对实际开发的测试

  • The sandbox may be unreachable. Check the Apple System Status
  • Check that your app does have a bundle version (CFBundleVersion)
  • 证明产品可以出售。 你们是否在应用仓库连接中创立了这一系统?

  • 如果以前的SOS 12从生产中签字,则该装置上的“中间商”账户。 否则,你就能够在dev子账户中签字。

你在重新使用旧的沙箱时也可能会发现这一错误,你在另一 app子(My假想)上测试了以前的亚太农联。 果真需要更新我们测试各种协会的方式,Im 离开电子邮件:0

我得以在iPad(11.0.2)购买。 我尝试了所有上述解决办法,但没有帮助。 在尝试所有其他可能性之后,我终于能够让它发挥作用。

当你在界碑连接中建立测试账户时,没有核实电子邮件。 如果加以核实,则“Cannotlink to uter”错误。 它看着奇怪的,但对于我来说是怎样的。 在“i”系统中,无论电子邮件核查如何,我都能用测试账户购买。



let products = NSSet(objects: ["id1", "id2"])


let products = NSSet(objects: "id1", "id2")

就我而言,我只想处理<代码>。 特别是,SKPayment Queueue.default().finish Transaction(transaction)

我也谈到同样的问题,我已经对该问题进行了检查,包括。 Apple果形式,我找不到解决办法。


In Device Settings -> iTunes & App Store found another Apple Id logged In. So I tried signOut that and checked again the InApp purchase, it worked perfectly. So please check the issue is linked to the same or not.

Thanks & Regards, Unnikrishnan.P

我不得不去“街区”、“护堤”和“安放区”等地。 现在它正在发挥作用!






我定了地雷! 如果您正在读到<代码>。 继承法 “Cannotlink to uter Store”,确保插入。 我在加入后为我工作:

func paymentQueue(_ queue: SKPaymentQueue, updatedTransactions transactions: [SKPaymentTransaction]) {
    for trans in transactions{
        if trans.transactionState == .purchased {
        } else if trans.transactionState == .failed {


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