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Hibernate Library and Hibernate JPA Library
原标题:Difference between Hibernate library and Hibernate JPA library

在你能够把Hibernate图书馆添加到一个项目的屏幕上,有两种选择:Hibernate和Hibernate JPA。

两者之间有何区别? Googling没有提供解释。


I found this to provide a good explanation. http://elope.wordpress.com/2007/09/06/difference-between-jpa-and-hibernate/

From the above blog: So if i need to put in Concise words:

a) JPA是您的法典应当使用的Persistence Api。

b) JPA Api将接通电话给实际的永久提供者(ex:Hibernate/TopLink),以进行实际工作。

c) 如果你们从业绩的尊敬中来看待,则取决于实际的持久性提供者(Hibernate/TopLink),而不是JPA作为其唯一的总结层。

d) If you are looking from code dependency prespective ,JPA makes more sense as your code is dependent on standard Java Api.

e) 如果你使用Hibernate,那么你就会发现,在日本人民军中,某些特征像标准问询一样缺失。 这并不意味着你在申请中无法撰写标准询问,你需要从人民党实体经理那里获得会议反对,现在,你与解放项目一样好。


f) 如果你使用日本邮局: 我所认为的是你,非洲人民论坛是干净的,尽管你们的需要并非始终如一,而是向前迈出的良好一步。


I don t know what "screen" you mean, but in general you can use Hibernate directly (Hibernate API) or as a JPA provider. As JPA is a standard API one can code against this API and switch between implementations (Hibernate, EclipseLink, OpenJPA, ...). When using Hibernate API you are tied to this but you can utilize features that are not standardized by JPA.

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