// what shall I do???
My big facebook question is, I need to create a tab, similar to the my app tab s with a custom icon etc - which simply redirects to a website outside of facebook, but inside the same window as facebook.
I understand the implications of php redirecting from inside my app canvas, meaning if I try and navigate back one step, it will automatically redirect forward again. To be honsest, that s not really an issue, but I know it s bad practice.
I know how to create custom facebook page apps using the iframe canvas based facebook system, but i m struggling to figure out what PHP I need to add to my file to redirect as soon as my page is landed on.
I know an empty page will flash before redirecting to an external site, but I don t mind.
Or if there is more forward thinking instant way of achieving this, then great!
Any tutorial pointers or straight code would be hugely helpful as I can t seem to dig anything out of google.
Thanks in advance!