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• 检测用户改变解决办法(Java Listener?)
原标题:Detect screen resolution change made by user (Java Listener?)

I have a Java app that launches, creates a GUI and works great. If the user changes the screen resolution (switches from 1440x900 to 1280x768), I d like to be able to listen for that event.

Any ideas?



This post is old, but: - polling the screen size once every second will not have any impact on performance - when the screen is resized, every window should receive a repaint() call (you need to test this for the OSs you target)

I don t think that Java can do this by itself. You would have to have a "hook" into the operating system that detects this change and may wish to consider using JNA, JNI, or a separate utility such as perhaps Sigar that reports to your Java program. Out of curiosity, why do you wish to do this? Is it for a game you re making or so that you can re-size a GUI application?


你们需要对此进行测试,以发现这一read对系统的影响如何大。 如何经常检查变化取决于您的要求(如何迅速满足您对变化的反应要求)


// screen resize listener
    Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().addAWTEventListener(new AWTEventListener() {

        public void eventDispatched(AWTEvent event) {
// take a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10123735/get-effective-screen-size-from-java
            Rectangle newSize = getEffectiveScreenSize(); 
            if (newSize.width != windowSize.width || newSize.height != windowSize.height)



  1. Every swing object can implement an interface called java.awt.event.ComponentListener.
  2. One of its method is componentResized(ComponentEvent e).
  3. Your main application frame should implement this interface and override the resize event method. This is how you listen to the resize event, Checkout this link . I hope this helps you.

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