English 中文(简体)
ExtJS 4 cell “renderer” problem
原标题:ExtJS 4 cell "renderer" problem


• 内部职能:

renderer: this.onRenderCell


onRenderCell: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex,
  colIndex, store, view) {
  metaData.css =  ini-cell-pas-traduit ;
  return  « +value+ » ;

请仔细阅读<代码>和格式;laquo; + Value+ &raquo;,each 价值改为:>; 这证明,在每一条线上,它都是完美的。 那么,这应该针对这些 c。 但是,两条之分中,两条之分都用了。 这驱使我有营养。

这里,它所提供的东西(最新消息——第纳尔多,与最新的 Chrome一样):




Ext.define( Lang.grid.Panel , {
    extend:  Ext.grid.Panel ,
    alias:  widget.langgrid ,

    requires: [
         Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing ,
         Ext.form.field.Text ,

    initComponent: function(){

        this.editing = Ext.create( Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing );

        Ext.apply(this, {
            iconCls:  icon-grid ,
            plugins: [this.editing],
            dockedItems: [{
                xtype:  toolbar ,
                items: [{
                    iconCls:  icon-add ,
                    text:  Add ,
                    scope: this,
                    handler: this.onAddClick
                }, {
                    iconCls:  icon-delete ,
                    text:  Delete ,
                    disabled: true,
                    itemId:  delete ,
                    scope: this,
                    handler: this.onDeleteClick
            columns: [{
                text:  label ,
                sortable: true,
                dataIndex:  label 
              header:  fr ,
              flex: 3,
              sortable: true,
              dataIndex:  fr ,
              renderer: this.onRenderCell,
              field: {
                type:  textfield 
              header:  es ,
              flex: 3,
              sortable: true,
              dataIndex:  es ,
              renderer: this.onRenderCell,
              field: {
                type:  textfield 
              header:  us ,
              flex: 3,
              sortable: true,
              dataIndex:  us ,
              renderer: this.onRenderCell,
              field: {
                type:  textfield 
        this.getSelectionModel().on( selectionchange , this.onSelectChange, this);

    (snip useless code)

    onRenderCell: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex,
      colIndex, store, view) {
      metaData.css =  ini-cell-pas-traduit ;
      return  <span style="color:red; font-weight:bold;">&laquo; +
        value+ &raquo;</span> ;


background-color : red !important //or whichever color you ve specified.

EDIT : This is happening because the grid is configured with stripeRows : true. I dunno if this is done by default or you did it in the config but forgot to mention it here. When you use stripeRows it sets a background-color which can be overriden using the !important keyword.


Varun Achar使用! 进口商是正确的,但由于你使用Ext JS 4,你也应当改变。



metaData.tdCls = ini-cell-pas-traduit ;

甲型六氯环己烷和乙型六氯环己烷的 c子和tr子现已改为tdCls和tdAttr,如果你也安装了Ext 3容性层,则旧的 members子和 members子只能在Ext JS 4中工作。

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