English 中文(简体)
PHP 在排除一个特定词的情况下,可与词句相对应。
原标题:PHP Regex match words in a string excluding one specific word


$words = array ( adipiscing , molestie , fringilla );
$wordToExclude =  consectetur adipiscing ;

$txt =  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque
mattis tincidunt dolor sed consequat. Sed rutrum, mauris convallis bibendum 
dignissim, ligula sem molestie massa, vitae condimentum neque sem non tellus.
Aenean dolor enim, cursus vel sodales ac, condimentum ac erat. Quisque
lobortis libero nec arcu fringilla imperdiet. Pellentesque commodo, 
arcu et dictum tincidunt, ipsum elit molestie ipsum, ut ultricies nisl
neque in velit. Curabitur luctus dui id urna consequat vitae mattis
turpis pretium. Donec nec adipiscing velit. 


$txt =  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque
mattis tincidunt dolor sed consequat. Sed rutrum, mauris convallis bibendum 
dignissim, ligula sem <a href="#">molestie</a> massa, vitae condimentum neque sem non tellus.
Aenean dolor enim, cursus vel sodales ac, condimentum ac erat. Quisque
lobortis libero nec arcu <a href="#">fringilla</a> imperdiet. Pellentesque commodo, 
arcu et dictum tincidunt, ipsum elit <a href="#">molestie</a> ipsum, ut ultricies nisl
neque in velit. Curabitur luctus dui id urna consequat vitae mattis
turpis pretium. Donec nec <a href="#">adipiscing</a> velit. 
$result = preg_replace(
     /                 # Word boundary
    (                    # Match one of the following:
     (?<!consecteturs)  #  (unless preceded by "consectetur "
     adipiscing          #  adipiscing
    |                    # or
     molestie            #  molestie
    |                    # etc.
    )                    # End of alternation
                       # Word boundary
    /ix , 
     <a href="#">1</a> , $subject);

Okie doke! 虽然我认为这在技术上是可行的,但我提供的解决办法目前是软性的:

s%(?!consectetur adipiscing)(adipiscing|molestie|fringilla)(?<!consectetur adipiscing)%<a href="#LinkBasedUpon$1">$1</a>%s

页: 1

页: 1 Quisque... ligula sem molestie massa... nec arcu fringilla imperdiet... nec adipiscing velit.

页: 1

坐在金属、sect、adi。 Quisque... ligula sem >,><a href=“#LinkBasedUponmolestie”>molestie<a> Massa... nec arcuong> <>>>>><a href=#LinkedUponfringilla>>fringilla>>></a>/strong>.

软性解决办法是,它不处理部分字或排除(s)一词时,不开始或最后加上一个相应的字句。 e.g,如果我们想读到所排除的字句(即consectetur adipiscing elit),那么这一表述将最终与adipiscingconsectetur adipiscing elit上的匹配。 与<代码>conetur adipiscing el不开始或结束。

只要您的除外词(A B)永远结束或开始使用所发现的词语之一(C>>> /code>C,以及A B CC为终止,就应当做到......)




有一些解决办法,但是,它们要么是进程,要么是方案拟定工作紧张,而且根据文字清单的规模、搜索案文的长度和具体要求,其成倍增加,而且你从未具体指明其他内容,因此,我不会gon。 让我知道,这是否足以使你的处境!!

I see you re doing it in PHP. I understand you have an ARRAY of words to find in a text and you need to replace those with links. Also you have ONE string that needs to be excluded when doing the replacing. Maybe instead of writing cool and clean yet complicated regular expressions what about this practical albeit probably not the nicest solution:

You split the task into subtasks:

  1. use preg_match_all to find offsets of all occurrences of the excluded string (you know the string length (strlen) and with the PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE flag for preg_match_all you will figure out exact starts and ends - if there are more than one)
  2. do foreach on your word list and again use preg_match_all to get all occurrences of the words you need to replace with links
  3. compare the positions you found in step 2 with those found in step 1 and if they re outside do the replace or skip if you get overlap

It surely won t be a one-liner but would be quite easy to code and then probably quite easy to read later too.

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