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寻找一个 j图图书馆,在散射地块上提取大约200 000点[封闭]
原标题:Looking for a javascript chart library that can draw ~200,000 points on a scatter plot [closed]

我们不准许对书籍、工具、软件图书馆以及更多的图书馆征求建议的问题。 你可以ed问这个问题,以便用事实和引言回答。

Closed 8 years ago.

我正在开发一个网络应用程序,使接口包括一个大型散页,让用户了解其数据。 散射地有大约20万个点。 目前,我正在使用JFreeChart Java图书馆服务器,该服务器在绘制地图方面做了大量工作,它只需要第二台左右才能完工。

为了让我的意见更具互动性,我转而使用 Java字,以提取图表客户。 这将让我包括互动式过滤点、工具交换器、点击等。 我对谷歌图进行了试验,但这个时代需要使浏览器陷入停滞状态。

是否有任何人知道能够应对如此庞大的数据集的 Java图图书馆? 或者,我是否应该放弃想法,并坚持“自由堡”? 如果该网页本身在装上(鉴于有大量数据需要转移),这是不可避免的,但我需要该图表在合理的时间根据用户投入更新。


For those of you who are looking at this question today, DC.js is a powerful library for charting large datasets, which is built on D3.js. It has several chart types including scatterplot, bar, and line graphs. They run though Square s crossfilter library to map-reduce data before plotting.


Creating such a high-node interactive plot in a limited space is virtually useless - the points would be unclickable and the plot would be overpopulated, to say the least.


Zoom level grouping and breaking down


I would suggest that you group together small variations of your data and as your user zooms in, you can break down the currently-viewable data into smaller chunks.

Current viewport/draw only data that is in the viewport

引文 当他们只是眼中时,避免把你的所有点推向每个动物群落。 你们的使用者最可能想在某个方面——也就是他当时所感动的原因——上调,从而避免把这一特定动物级的所有破碎点推到。

Don t limit yourself to plotting libraries


A crazy idea but I would try it:


It s targeted to game development mostly but it would be a slam-dunk to draw a scatter plot with it, zoom around and allow for click events on your points.

作为临时或替代解决办法,考虑通过JFreeChart ,通过https://stackoverflow.com/tags/java-web-start/info>。 Java-Web-Start。 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5522575/how-can-i-update-a-jfreecharts-appearance- subsequently-its-been-made-visible>example 建议以互动方式更新图表。

如果你不为E7或IE8开发奢侈品,那么就大量数据点而言,你可能会试图通过网格利用你的制图卡。 我先尝试过,但 3.js则令人感兴趣。

我建议使用第ExtJs 4图书馆。



You might want to experiment with charting libraries that are built upon raphael.js. Not sure about their rendering performance, but they are excellent html5 libraries. Worth a try.


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