I m not 100% sure what is giving you problems but will try to offer up a solution that will hopefully get you on your way.
There is an open source project on GitHub called MLJSON (https://github.com/marklogic/mljson/wiki). It can take a JSON string, parse it and return an XML document that MarkLogic can easily make use of.
If understanding the internal structure of the XML isn t appealing (even though it is fairly straightforward, it is undocumented), the project also includes a path parser to extract bits out of the parsed JSON document. Here s a quick sample XQuery page that will take some JSON sent to the server as a POST or GET parameter, parse it and pull out a value:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace json="http://marklogic.com/json" at "lib/json.xqy";
import module namespace path="http://marklogic.com/mljson/path-parser" at "lib/path-parser.xqy";
let $jsonString := xdmp:get-request-field("json")
let $jsonXML := json:parse($jsonString)
let $firstName := path:select($jsonXML, "author.firstName", "json")
return concat("First name: ", $firstName)
If the above script is passed a JSON document like:
"author": {
"firstName": "Noam",
"lastName": "Chomsky"
It will return the string: "First name: Noam".
MLJSON has a number of other features that I won t go over here, but will mention that it has functions to construct JSON objects, arrays, etc and serialize them out as a JSON string.
Hope that helps.