English 中文(简体)
原标题:backbone.js: how to inline editing on attribute of a model


例如,有<条码> 标准/标准

var Player = Backbone.Model.extend({
  defaults: {
    id: 0,
    name:   ,
    points: 0
  initialize: function(){
    // irrelevant stuff happening here...
  rename: function(newName){
    this.set({ name: newName });

缩略语 意见

var PlayerRow = Backbone.View.extend({
  tagName:  li ,
  className:  player ,
  events: { 
     click span.score :   score ,
     blur input.name :  rename ,
     click div.playername :  renderRename 
  initialize: function(){
    _.bindAll(this,  render ,  rename );
    this.model.bind( change , this.render);
  render: function(){
    var template = Tmpl.render("playerRow", { model : this.model });
    return this;
  renderRename: function() {
    // i was thinking of switching the DOM into a textfield here
  rename: function(){
    var inpt = $(this.el).find( input.name );
    var newName = (inpt.val() !=   ) ? inpt.val() :  no-name ;

一、导 言 1. 罗模板

<script type="text/template" id="playerRow-template">
  <% if ( model.get( name ) ==    ) { %>
    <div class="state-edit"><input type="text" class="name" name="name"></input></div>
  <% } else { %>    
    <div class="playername"><%= model.get( name ) %></div>
  <% } %>


或者说,在我的评论中,我这样说了。 仅将OMD转换成一个投入领域,但我想这是这样做的坏处。 这是否会给已经受到约束的事件造成麻烦? 简称:。


so, bottomline, my question: what is the best way, to handle inline editing

  1. a separate view
  2. inline just appending an input field (don t know if this works well with the bound events)
  3. having my model hold a state variable for this attribute (would work but sounds weird to have a model hold view related data)


在线启动利用html的电离层特征。 无需改变/清除OMM,所有主要浏览器如果正确的话,都会有丰富的用户经验。


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm EDIT:2012年6月:

Rolling your own becomes much easier when using the excellent range Library: http://code.google.com/p/rangy/

Hth, Geert-Jan


我想有额外的投入,以防违约。 (这最接近于你的备选办法(2),但避免了模板中的条件,或仅仅增加内容。)


<div class="show-state">
    ... <%= name %> ...
    <input type="button" value="edit"/>
<div class="edit-state">   <!-- hidden with display: none in CSS -->
    ... <input type="text" value="<%= name %>"/> ...

从根本上说,它征求了两个国家的意见,即“how”和“沉积物”。 当用户点击“edit”时,我打电话this.$(show-state .hide();这句话(edit-state ).show()以示国家。


P.S. 铭记我的代码使特别安全局无法逃脱<条码>。

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