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原标题:Dot product between row vectors by MMULT not working in Excel

我正在利用Excel在两行病媒之间做一些 do产品:

=MMULT(B1049:M1049, TRANSPOSE(B1050:M1050))

但是,这并不奏效,因为公式的单元显示“#VALUE”。 我想知道为什么? 感谢!

Note that all the cells in "B1049:M1049" and "B1050:M1050" are numbers.



页: 1 公式,而不是标准公式

rather then hit enter when you type the formula in pres ctrl-shift-enter and excel will enter it as an array

it will end up looking like
{=MMULT(B1049:M1049, TRANSPOSE(B1050:M1050))}




probably simpler, you can just use =SUMPRODUCT(vec1,vec2). This is exactly the Euclidean inner product, without resorting to array formulas.

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