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JavaConfig 网络应用问题(Vadin + Spring)
原标题:JavaConfig problem in web application (Vaadin + Spring)



BeanFactory has not been set on BeanConfigurerSupport: Make sure this configurer runs  in a Spring container. 
Unable to configure bean of type [com.mycompany.projectname.App]. Proceeding without injection.


I m从事Vadin + Spring申请工作,我希望使用JavaConfig。

According to some tutorial I built them up separately, but when I merge them I got the following (see the first codesnipet App.java - logger.info(">>mainWindow is null");)

app postconstruct --------- 
mainWindow is null


www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 因此,我的问题是:我如何能够找到真正的问题?




public class App extends Application
    public MainWindow mainWindow;    
    public MainWindow getMainWindow(...
    public void setMainWindow(Main....

    public void init()
        logger.info(">>app postconstruct --------- ");
        if(mainWindow==null) logger.info(">>mainWindow is null");
        else logger.info(">>mainWindow is not null");


    public class AppConfig {
    public MainWindow mainWindow(){
            return new MainWindow();




    <servlet-name>Vaadin Application Servlet</servlet-name>

    <description>Vaadin application class to start</description>



Why are you using @Configurable? Do you mean to be using @Component instead?

@ 可溶解性通常用于不属于春季管理的物体的域物体(aka实体),以便从春季集装箱中接收依赖性注射。 这似乎不是你的目标。 你或许应该把“App”类作为另一种@Bean方法,或者用@Component加以标识,并通过部件扫描(例如与@ComponentScan)取而代之。 为这些说明查找相关的Javadoc和参考文件,以供参考。


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