English 中文(简体)
原标题:Anyone know how to open a fb fan page in iphone app from web page?


I found What are all the custom URL schemes supported by the Facebook iPhone app?


  • fb://pages/[pageid]
  • fb://pages/?id=[pageid]
  • fb://page/[pageid]
  • fb://page/?id=[pageid]
  • fb://profile/[pageid]

They all open the app( of course ) but not at my page, I feel like i m close but I ve been poking round at it for a while now, any help much appreciated.


To open facebook page in facebook app you should:

(1) 您网页的封建(例如,可以通过查阅你的面纱页的源代码)

页: 1

{"text":"Innova et Bella","type":"ent:page","uid":73728918115}

N.B.: To check if uid is correct substitute uid for pagename: http://www.facebook.com/73728918115 This url should open your page.

2) 在发现所建工程结束时正确使用该守则:

NSURL *urlApp = [NSURL URLWithString:@"fb://profile/73728918115"];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:urlApp];

This code will open you page within facebook app. N.B.: Do not forget to check if the facebook app exists( or more precisely that the url can be opened) using: if ([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:urlApp]) otherwise open it in Safari.


Face tab pages do not show in the Mobile or app edition of facebook. 不可能。

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