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原标题:ColdFusion Conditional RecordCount
  • 时间:2011-09-26 21:21:09
  •  标签:
  • coldfusion

Alright SOuser... 这里似乎不可能作出错误的有条件陈述。 然而,我无法指出,为什么它赢得预期工作。

<cfoutput query="checkForAd">
        <!--- also used the line <cfif RecordCount eq 0> --->
    <cfif checkForAd.RecordCount eq 0>
        <!--- Display some message. (Perhaps using a table, undecided) --->
        <!--- Display some other message. (Happens to be a table) --->

当纪录乐团返回人数超过0时,其他案件显示得当。 记录Cunt返回时,没有显示任何情况,而且表格继续沿途。 我感到非常沮丧,因为这应当非常简单。


The output won t return any results if the query set is empty. Try:

<cfif checkForAd.RecordCount eq 0>
    <!--- Display some message. (Perhaps using a table, undecided) --->
    <cfoutput query="checkForAd">
        <!--- Display some other message. (Happens to be a table) --->

I assume that you re looking to return a number of records... if you were just returning one, the query="checkForAd" isn t necessary. You can simply reference the query & variables in a <cfoutput></cfoutput>.



(在你希望扩大编码时,你可以做许多与点变量有关的工作。) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/429219/coldfusion-and-access-data- from-mysql” 冷藏和从MySQL获取数据


如nykash所指出的,如果没有任何记录,那么<代码>cfoutput query(或cfloop query)的仪器就永远不会执行,因此,核对零记录永远不会在其中。


<cfif NOT checkForAd.RecordCount >
    <!--- Display some message. --->

<cfoutput query="checkForAd">
        <!--- loop through data --->


Specifically on the RecordCount check, if I care about the specific number then I ll use EQ (or NEQ/GT/etc) but if I only care about "having records" vs "not having records" then I use the implicit boolean conversion that CFML provides to simplify the code. This really makes it easier to identify when I m using the common binary choice or a more significant one, so navigating through the code is easier.

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