English 中文(简体)
  • 时间:2008-11-05 01:04:02
  •  标签:



编辑:在删除 EDM 设计师的有问题的表格后,重新添加回去,所有工作都正常。这不是一个长期的解决方案。有其他人遇到类似的问题吗?



Step 1... Create Required Projects In your solution create two projects: 1 - the application project (so the app you are working e.g. a windows forms application) 2 - the datalayer project (a class library project, the one that makes DLL s as a build output)

Step 2... Link The Projects In the application project, add a project reference to the datalayer project, (references - add reference - project-Tab)

Step 3... Create a property in the partial class In the datalayer project: - add the database file if you are using a local database - add a new Linq to SQL classes item (.dbml file) - add the desired tables to the Designer sheet from the server explorer - right click one of the classes in the designer and select View Code - you will be taken to a file with the partial class information already completed. - make the partial class public - create a test property eg: public string TEST { get{return "TEST";} } - build the datalayer project - you have now added a property to the partial class of one of your designer built classes...

Step 4 - Add Datasources - in your application project - go to the datasources tab and add a new object datasource, selecting the class you added the partial class property too.

  • you should see the TEST property in the datasources view...

都完成了 (dōu wánchéngle)

我認為這樣的做法是有效的,因為將 .dbml 檔案和部分類別放在另一個專案中,並透過應用程式專案中的 DLL 存取... 強制 Visual Studio 編譯並使所有內容可在應用程式專案中使用... 而不是當所有內容都在同一個專案中時發生的 DLL 和單獨的臨時檔案,這似乎會導致部分類別屬性未列在資料來源清單中。

再加上这不是太坏了..为您的数据层拥有单独的项目使其在项目之间可以重复使用.. :D



