English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to Create Function Object with attributes in one step

这是一个学术问题,是为了澄清我对 Java本的理解。

功能物体一旦产生即可被分配为属性。 然而,在一个步骤中能否形成具有属性的功能目标?


function someFunction(){

var someFunctionObject=someFunction;

someFunctionObject.attr1="attr 1";

alert(someFunctionObject.attr1); /* "attr 1"

在此,在提出标的后,第二步中正添加属性。 能否在一个步骤中做到这一点?


答案是没有的。 解释如下。


var myFunctionObject = {
    prop1:  foo ,
    prop2:  bar ,
    construct: "alert( function body )"
myFunctionObject(); // should alert
myFunctionObject.prop1; //  foo 

功能定义/声明实际上非常相似,它产生一项标注,将[建筑]财产交给实际机构。 但是,这只是一个执行细节,你不能单独获取或确定[建筑]财产,因此,你无法在一戈内界定其他财产(这将需要额外的合成物,而且不存在)。

但是,如果符合你需要,你可以从职能范围内确定财产。 例如,这样做有助于打下:

function getSomething() {
    if (getSomething.prop) return getSomething.prop;
    return getSomething.prop = fetchResource();


var someFunctionObject = (function someFunction() {
    if (!someFunction.attr1) {
        someFunction.attr1 = "attr1";
        return someFunction;
    // extra processing


这增加了以下好处,即如果某人删除了 at1财产,则将随后重新开始:

delete someFunctionObject.attr1; // deleted
someFunctionObject();            // reinitialized
alert(someFunctionObject.attr1); // back to square one


var someFunctionObject = (function someFunction() {
    if (someFunction.attr1) {
        // extra processing
    } else {
        someFunction.attr1 = "attr1";
        return someFunction;

This is both faster and better because:

  1. We don t use the logical NOT operator. This saves an instruction to execute when interpreted. Logical NOT doesn t coerce, so using it has no benefits.
  2. The function object is usually only initialized once, so logically the initialization should come last as it ll be rarely called.
function someFunction(attr1){
  this.attr1 = attr1; 

var someFunctionObject = new someFunction( attr 1 );
console.log( someFunctionObject.attr1 ); 
var someFunc = new function(attr1){
  this.attr1 = attr1; 



你在座右铭上只剩下了一点(但很重要)。 你在样本代码中所做的事情是发挥作用的,然后将这一功能指定为另一个物体上的财产(susactObject)。

What you did in literal terms looks like this:

var someFunctionObject = {
    someFunction : function(){},
    attr1 : "attr 1"

This results in one object (someFunctionObject, which is poorly named at this point, as it s just a regular object) with two properties assigned to it: one string, and one function.

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